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Dealing with the distribution of assets and the settling of estates after the passing of a loved one can be a challenging and emotionally taxing process. In Western Australia, as in other parts of the world, a document called a "Deed of Family Arrangement" can help families to find amicable solutions to estate-related disputes.

Understanding Deeds of Family Arrangement:

A Deed of Family Arrangement, is a legally binding document that allows beneficiaries and interested parties to vary the distribution of assets of a deceased person. These deeds are typically entered into when there are disputes, ambiguities, or uncertainties in a will or the laws of intestacy.

Key Elements of a Deed of Family Arrangement

Agreement Among Beneficiaries: All beneficiaries and interested parties must come to an agreement regarding how the estate assets should be distributed. This agreement is documented in the deed.

Variation of the Will: A Deed of Family Arrangement allows for changes to the distribution of assets that may be different from the original will. This flexibility is essential in addressing disputes or changing family circumstances.

Legal Formalities: To be valid and legally enforceable, a Deed of Family Arrangement in Western Australia must be in writing, signed by all parties involved and the signatures must be witnessed by an independent adult person. It is also essential that all parties fully understand and voluntarily consent to the terms of the arrangement.

Assets Covered: A Deed of Family Arrangement can cover a wide range of assets, including real estate, personal property, financial assets, and investments.

When Are Deeds of Family Arrangement Necessary?

Deeds of Family Arrangement can be essential in various scenarios, including:

Disputes Among Beneficiaries: When beneficiaries disagree on the distribution of assets, a Deed of Family Arrangement can help reach a consensus that satisfies all parties.

Unclear or Ambiguous Wills: If the deceased's will is unclear or leaves room for interpretation, a Deed of Family Arrangement can provide clarity on their intentions.

Changing Family Circumstances: If there have been significant changes in the family, such as births, deaths, marriages, or divorces, a Deed of Family Arrangement can reflect these changes in the estate distribution.

Mitigating Tax Liabilities: Deed of Family Arrangement can be used to implement strategies that minimize tax liabilities, ensuring the most tax-efficient distribution of assets.


Deeds of Family Arrangement are legally binding, provided they meet certain legal requirements. It is crucial to seek legal advice to ensure that the deed complies with Western Australia's estate law.

Deeds of Family Arrangement provide a valuable tool for families in Western Australia facing complex estate distribution issues. These deeds offer a way to resolve disputes, clarify ambiguous wills, and adapt to changing family circumstances. However, navigating the legal intricacies of estate law can be challenging, and seeking legal advice from experienced estate lawyers is highly recommended to ensure the successful execution of a Deed of Family Arrangement.

Douglas Cheveralls Lawyers can provide you with advice regarding Deeds of Family Arrangement and all aspects of estate law.